Life giving things we’re embracing in 2024

We’re a few weeks into 2024! How are you feeling?

I hope that 2024 is treating you well so far and that you’re doing what you can to enjoy it, even if it is freezing cold most days. (for all my Illinois peeps) For those that don’t know, the Chicagoland area had an Arctic freeze last weekend. Having a windchill of -30 was no fun! But, we made it!

I’ve never been one to set specific goals for the new year. Instead, I like to point out, what we’ll call ‘general aspirations’. These are things I’d like to see happen in my life without getting into the nitty gritty details.So, for example, a person may say “My goal this year is to lose 20lbs, so I’m going to go to the gym 4 days a week, weight train, and do cardio”. I on the other hand prefer to say, “I want to live a healthy lifestyle this year”.

This helps me to implement healthy habits in every area of my life whereas a specific goal focuses on one specific area. Maybe it’s just me but I’ve found that goals that are too specific limit me and I tend to zone in completely on that one thing and neglect other areas I should focus on. Goals should be life giving meaning there should be opportunities to enrich every area of your life along the way.

With that said, I want to share with you the four life giving things I am embracing in 2024. I hope if these resonate with you that you’ll do the same!

Finding purpose where you are

Did you know that right where you are is where you’re meant to be? It’s more true than you realize, but embracing this can be tough. I know. I’ve been there and sometimes still struggle with this.

In 2024 I am going to challenge myself to be more mindful of what God is doing where I’m at. So, instead of feeling behind or feeling like I’m missing out on something better, whatever that may be, I want to work on seeing the good where I’m at.

To me this means killing comparison, taking the focus off of what I want, and excelling in all my responsibilites, no matter how small they may be. I challenge you to do the same!

More discipline and consistency

If I’m being honest, this one may be the most difficult for me, but I’m up for the challenge.

This year my husband and I are making a lot of big moves, which means a greater level of discipline is required. The main areas being finances, my prayer life, and hobbies that I enjoy doing. I currently have a few things in the works for all three areas to keep me on track, so I’m hoping I will be able to stick to them!

One thing that has really helped me in the past is sharing my goals with Peter. Or maybe they’re more so desires? I’m not sure. But, being honest with him about my desire to be more disciplined and consistent in the areas above is going to help hold me accountable. He’s always been great at that, so I don’t expect anything different this time around!

Journaling and Prayer

On that note. I’m getting back into journaling this year!

I’ve built up a system of journaling at least three times a week, and it has been the BEST thing I could have done for myself. I used to journal when I was a child, but somewhere along the way I stopped doing it. In December 2023 I picked it back up again after my therapist suggested I start writing down my anxious thoughts and sifting through them. After doing it for a while, I noticed that I felt much lighter afterwards. So, I started to do it for fun again and I’ve actually (so excited about this) started journaling my prayers!

I can’t wait to look through my journal at the end of the year and see all the prayers answered and my growth.

Saying “no” to burnout

Say it with me, “I will not live in a constant state of burnout in 2024”! Now, say it again like you mean it! Didn’t that feel great?

I typically say yes to a lot of things and most of the time I don’t have the capacity to take those things on. This year I am taking a stand and challenging myself to change that narrative in my life. Operating in burnout isn’t healthy and it’s not something that should be normalized.

To me saying “no” to burnout looks like putting freelance writing on the back burner, listening to my body when I’m tired, and not responding to invitations in the moment. I’m hopeful that by sticking to this living a balanced life will become a norm, and not just something I strive for after burnout occurs.

Did any of these points resonate with you? If so, comment below what you’ll be working on this year and feel free to share other ideas too! This is the year of self-improvement, so I encourage you to get started now. You’ve got this!

If you loved this post, stay a while! Check out last months post here.